Gold Medal Software 3
Gold Medal Software - Volume 3 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
< prev
DOS Batch File
272 lines
@echo off
rem XQAZ.BAT v1.4 by Robert Rothenburg Walking-Owl
rem (for use with QAZ v3.xx)
rem This could use a lot of work, and when used with a more powerful
rem batch language or with external programs written in C or Pascal,
rem you can do some amazing things.
if exist xqaz.$$$ erase xqaz.$$$
if exist %2 goto archive_exists
echo * Error: file not found (%2)
goto usage
set vcmd=v
set ecmd=e
set tcmd=t
set scmd=s
set cmd=%1
if %cmd% == %vcmd% goto view_archive
if %cmd% == %ecmd% goto identify
if %cmd% == %tcmd% goto identify
if %cmd% == %scmd% goto identify
echo * Error: unrecognized command (%cmd%)
goto usage
qaz %2 -cm42 -cl61 -wl79 -dfs0 -sr2 -ls -vn+22oar_dts -ffb > xqaz.$$$
goto done
rem possible modifications are to add the -r option, and if the archive
rem turns out to be a format which QAZ cannot list (such as UC2), then
rem to call the appropriate viewing function instead (UC2 V %2 %3).
qaz %2 -ri -mi -ff -cm42 > xqaz.$$$
if not %cmd% == %scmd% goto check
set scmd=%tcmd%
set cmd=%ecmd%
if errorlevel 128 goto graphics
if errorlevel 67 goto xundef
if errorlevel 66 goto xunmd
if errorlevel 65 goto xunshrink
if errorlevel 64 goto xundef
if errorlevel 63 goto xlim
if errorlevel 59 goto xundef
if errorlevel 58 goto xbinhex
if errorlevel 57 goto xlharc
if errorlevel 56 goto xundef
if errorlevel 55 goto xcodec
if errorlevel 54 goto xundef
if errorlevel 53 goto xtar
if errorlevel 52 goto xproprietary
if errorlevel 51 goto xzoo
if errorlevel 50 goto xzip
if errorlevel 49 goto xusq
if errorlevel 48 goto xuc2
if errorlevel 47 goto xsqz
if errorlevel 46 goto xsit
if errorlevel 45 goto xundef
if errorlevel 44 goto xproprietary
if errorlevel 43 goto xlharc
if errorlevel 42 goto xundef
if errorlevel 41 goto xundef
if errorlevel 40 goto xpak
if errorlevel 39 goto xlharc
if errorlevel 38 goto xproprietary
if errorlevel 37 goto xundef
if errorlevel 36 goto xlib
if errorlevel 35 goto xundef
if errorlevel 34 goto xproprietary
if errorlevel 33 goto xwin
if errorlevel 32 goto xhpack
if errorlevel 31 goto xhyp
if errorlevel 30 goto xhap
if errorlevel 29 goto xha
if errorlevel 28 goto xgz
if errorlevel 27 goto xfrz
if errorlevel 26 goto xmsc
if errorlevel 25 goto xdwc
if errorlevel 24 goto xdiet
if errorlevel 23 goto xundef
if errorlevel 22 goto xundef
if errorlevel 21 goto xgz
if errorlevel 20 goto xarj
if errorlevel 19 goto xark
if errorlevel 18 goto xundef
if errorlevel 17 goto xlharc
if errorlevel 16 goto xtext
if errorlevel 15 goto xundef
if errorlevel 1 echo * An error has occurred! >> xqaz.$$$
echo * Unable to identify the archive format.
goto exit
if %cmd%==%tcmd% goto untestable
mdcd r %2 . >> xqaz.$$$
goto done
if %cmd%==%scmd% goto untestable
if %cmd%==%tcmd% nulib iv %2 >> xqaz.$$$
if %cmd%==%ecmd% nulib xv %2 >> xqaz.$$$
goto done
if %cmd%==%scmd% goto untestable
if %cmd%==%tcmd% xbin -l %2 >> xqaz.$$$
xbin %2 >> xqaz.$$$
goto done
type %2 >> xqaz.$$$
goto done
echo * Don't know how to process this format! >> xqaz.$$$
goto done
echo * Proprietary format. >> xqaz.$$$
goto xundef
echo * Testing is not supported by this format. >> xqaz.$$$
goto done
echo * The archiver for this format requires Windows. >> xqaz.$$$
goto done
limit %cmd% %2 %3 >> xqaz.$$$
goto done
arc -%cmd% %2 %3 >> xqaz.$$$
goto done
arj %cmd% %2 %3 >> xqaz.$$$
goto done
if %cmd%==%tcmd% goto untestable
diet -ra %2
goto done
dwc -%cmd% %2 %3 >> xqaz.$$$
goto done
expand %2
goto done
if %cmd%==%tcmd% goto untestable
freeze -%cmd%v %2 >> xqaz.$$$
goto done
gzip -%cmd%v %2 >> xqaz.$$$
goto done
ha %cmd% %2 %3 >> xqaz.$$$
goto done
if %cmd%==%tcmd% goto untestable
pah e %2 %3
goto done
if %cmd%==%tcmd% goto untestable
hyper -x %2 %3 >> xqaz.$$$
goto done
if %cmd%==%tcmd% goto hpskip
hpack x %2 %3 >> xqaz.$$$
goto done
hpack %cmd% %2 %3 >> xqaz.$$$
goto done
if %cmd%==%tcmd% goto untestable
lu %cmd% %2 %3 >> xqaz.$$$
goto done
pak %cmd% %2 3 >> xqaz.$$$
goto done
unsit %cmd% %2 >> xqaz.$$$
goto done
rem doesn't redirect well
sqz %cmd% %2 %3
goto done
rem * I don't have a copy of UC.EXE handy...
goto xundef
if %cmd%==%tcmd% goto untestable
usq %2 >> xqaz.$$$
goto done
lha %cmd% %2 %3 >> xqaz.$$$
goto done
if %cmd%==%tcmd% goto tcodec
codec -db %2 %3 >> xqaz.$$$
goto done
codec -x %2 %3 >> xqaz.$$$
goto done
if %cmd%==%tcmd% goto untestable
rem doesn't redirect well
tar -xvf %2 %3
goto done
zoo -%cmd% %2 %3 >> xqaz.$$$
goto done
pkunzip -%cmd% %2 %3 >> xqaz.$$$
goto done
echo * QAZ v2.60a and later versions do not handle graphics files.
goto exit
echo Usage: xqaz [v,e,t,s] archive [datafile]
goto exit
if errorlevel 1 echo * An error occurred >> xqaz.$$$
if not %scmd% == %tcmd% goto show
scan *.* /a /nomem >> xqaz.$$$
rem insert favorite virus scanners here
more < xqaz.$$$
set vcmd=
set tcmd=
set ecmd=
set scmd=
if exist xqaz.$$$ erase xqaz.$$$